
- Matthew

As a disabled desert storm veteran, I exhibit several of the classic symptoms of gulf war syndrome. Testing has shown liver distress for years now. After only my second treatment with Victoria, I observed a gritty looking material in the foot bath, which outside sources confirmed to be heavy metals removed from my body.
I live in New Mexico; whenever I am in the Los Angeles area I make a point of getting in as many sessions as possible with Victoria. After years of chronic lower back pain, for the 1st time in over a decade, I was pain free after my 4th session with Victoria. She also stays current on other healing modalities, which, combined with her treatments, have accelerated my journey back to health.
As an engineer, I am skeptical of anything that cannot be empirically proven; yet, I can attest that Victoria possesses a truly unique healing gift, and I ALWAYS walk out feeling MUCH better than when I walk in. The value of her services is far greater than what she charges.

- Danielle D

Aqua Detox is quite amazing. On my very first visit I felt an immediate shift in my energy, my mind felt clear and my skin was glowing. I have been using Aqua Detox for almost one year now and I simply love it. It has been a great instrument, which has facilitated my life in many different ways that I have never imagined. Aqua Detox has been a tremendous success for me. It has helped me cut the symptoms of a strong winter cold in half, its assisted me in balancing my body after shifting my diet, its allowed me new clarity in the way that I view life and natural health practitoners that I have seen have recommended Aqua Detox after treat. I've even noticed that my eye color has lightened and become more profound in color. Victoria, thank you so much for bringing who you are and Aqua Detox into my life. I know that I am a fan for life!

- Sarah Dougherty

I began seeing Patricia almost two years ago, about six months after being diagnosed with a terminal interstitial lung disease. Each of the three possible meds my pulmonologist prescribed caused my liver levels to spike. Patricia started the aqua detoxification with me every two weeks, and within months my liver levels began to drop. My levels are now within the normal range and I am able to take the meds I need.
The aqua detox may have had the most impact on my disease, but there are many other ways Patricia has helped me. She has recommended specific foods, vitamins, supplements, and essential oils to not only increase my lung function, but to build up my immune system, an important part of fighting my disease. Patricia has also taught me breathing exercises, vital in maintaining my lung capacity.
For the last 9 months I have had a raindrop before each of my breathing tests. As a result, my oxygen levels have improved and my disease remains stable.
I travel to Denver, CO every three months to go to the #1 respiratory hospital in the country to see one of the best pulmonologists in the country. He thinks a combination of western and eastern medicine is a beneficial and welcome approach to fighting my disease, and considers Patricia an important part of my medical team. I couldn't agree more.

- Martha Bryan

Thanks to Victoria and her introducing me to the Aqua Detox treatment, I have recovered tremendously from fibromyalgia. When Victoria called me a couple of years ago to tell me about the it, she was concerned and didn't want to give me false hopes. I found her concern very touching and honest, so I decided to do it. At that point, I don't think either one of was really knew what to expect from it. A couple of months of intense Aqua Detox treatments in combination with my medication, gave me my life back. Though not as intense as before, I still continue with the treatments. I have my energy back. I have my life back…thank you, Victoria!

- Jarri Schwartz

When I first began the detoxing foot bath treatments; my energy level was low, I suffered daily with severe lower back pain. After the first few treatments, my energy level picked up noticeably. By the beginning of the second week I was receiving comments on my great energy and vitality. With continued treatments my energy and the texture of my skin has improved all over my body. As I continue to use this detoxification system, I'm aware of diminished joint pain, improved sleep, increased energy on a lasting basis, and overall a truer sense of well-being. I enjoy the youthful appearance of my skin and the clean feeling of being detoxified. Now I look forward to each treatment with Victoria and never want to go without one! Victoria has truly changed my health and approach to life. I am truly grateful!!

- Janice Wong – Long Beach, CA

I have been scheduling Aqua Detoxes for the past 10 months and feel that these treatments are beneficial and work for me. I see good detox results almost instantly. Since the initial detox, I have felt better physically and feel a sense of wellness that I have not had in the past few years. I believe that the Aqua Detox works and highly recommend this treatment for anyone that seeks a non-invasive, painless and easy way to detox.

- Yours in Health, Heidi vonNacher, DC, FICPA, Glendale, CA

My name is Dr. Heidi vonNacher DC, FICPA. I am a Chiropractor in Glendale, California practicing with a holistic approach. Although Chiropractic adjustments are the most powerful healing method in my office, I have experienced that with the body clear of toxins the adjustments hold longer and the body tone is more balanced over all. This is why I require each patient to detoxify their system at least once per year. I have found the Aqua Detox foot bath to be a wonderful addition to my practice. It is very visual for the patients and mere curiosity gives them that extra push to begin detoxification. Once patients see the toxins in the water, it is easy to educate them on the importance of Body Detoxification for overall wellness.